Dienstag, 29. April 2008

The State of European Innovation

Only 10 European outfits made a recent BusinessWeek ranking of innovative companies from around the globe. Still, Europe is going strong in several segments

Matsushita: Defying the Skeptics

The company is relying on developing markets, and especially BRIC, to meet its ambitious targets for sales of plasma and LCD TVs

Bureaucracy Hampers an E. coli Weapon

French biotech GeneSystems developed a system to detect the deadly bacterium before it reaches supermarket shelves, but it faces red tape and resistance

How Google Fuels Its Idea Factory

CEO Eric Schmidt describes the simple principles driving the company's steady stream of innovations

Cox's Creative Ad Buy

With its purchase of Adify, the media conglomerate hopes to fend off giants of online advertising Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft, and AOL

Medical Advances—Through Your iPhone?

Researchers are beginning to understand how mobile phones can cut costs, help solve rural health-care problems, and even reduce medical errors

Montag, 28. April 2008

The State of European Innovation

Only 10 European outfits made a recent BusinessWeek ranking of innovative companies from around the globe. Still, Europe is going strong in several segments

YouTube's Buried Treasure

Making the most of its riches will take a lot longer than Google expected

Spending Like Mad Men on Cable TV

Fierce competition to create the hit shows that boost ratings may start eating away at profits

X Prize: $100 Million for Clean Fuels

In a bid to speed innovation, the foundation plans awards for breakthroughs in biofuels and other alternative-energy fields

Sonntag, 27. April 2008

A Fresh Look at Water

Israel's IDE Technologies is taking its desalination expertise worldwide. With droughts and global warming, someone's always going to want a drink

Blyk Mobile Service Off to a Fast Start

Paid for by advertising and offering free calls and texting to 16- to 24-year-olds, this new mobile virtual network service has signed up 100,000 users

Nintendo Down, But Not Out

In spite of record earnings and the continued popularity of the Wii, the console maker's shares were down 2%. Most think the dip is temporary

The Real Threat to Google

As more consumers browse the Web on their cell phones, the No. 1 search engine must cope with less space to place ads

Does She Look Like a Music Pirate?

Inside Tanya Andersen's private war with the recording industry. Hint: She's winning

Satellite Is Sexy Again

Many of the satellite communications outfits that ended up in bankruptcy have reemerged and are drawing the interest of private equity